
25 Years on CHRW (1990 – 2015)

In April 1990, I started broadcasting weekly on CHRW-FM as the co-host of a programme called New Directions. In September 1993, I began as the host and producer of the weekly show Wired for Sound. I continued those weekly broadcasts up until my 25th anniversary at the station in April 2015.

On April 15, 2015, I broadcast the final episode of Wired for Sound (episode #1,079).

Through all of those years I felt that it was important to keep track of the works which I featured on the programme. So, I have a record of the playlists for every show since 1993 to the end. Please feel free to peruse the playlist archives.

Although I have now ended the broadcast, I am still interested in relating my thoughts about music. That is why I have started the Wired for Sound blog. I am hoping that many of the regular contributors over the years may continue to send along their latest releases to have them discussed in this place. Of course, new contributors are also welcome.

The contact address for me still remains the same:

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